Category: Augmented Reality

3 Industries that are already applying Augmented Reality (AR)
Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the latest and biggest technological trends worldwide. In the recent years it has showed that its potential goes beyond Virtual Reality (VR). At first, these technologies seemed to be completely linked to gaming, but their recent developments are proving that they can be applied to several industries. These are…
What makes training the perfect fit for Augmented Reality?
AR keeps expanding its boundaries and being applied to different fields but, why is training considered the ideal field for it? Augmented Reality has experienced a fast growth is the last year and everyday it is easier to find a new industry that is applying it to its activity. For most people, their first contact…
Augmented Reality potential goes beyond ARKit and ARCore
The development of Augmented Reality has experienced different phases in the last decade. This technology offers the possibility to “augment” the real world by adding virtual elements to it. Although AR has been in public consciousness for more than a decade, the massive embracement of smartphones was a turning point for it. In the smartphone…